Volunteer at PNC Arena
To support the ministries of St. Paul’s, congregational members and friends work at PNC Arena serving guests at Carolina Hurricanes games, NC State basketball games, concerts, and more! If you would like more information about volunteering at PNC Arena, please contact Elaine Wiercioch at elainewiercioch@yahoo.com.
New Volunteer Information
Training: New volunteers receive training in the stand when you work an event. We can usually accommodate 1-2 new people at an event. For most events we need 3-4 cashiers and 2-3 floaters who retrieve and serve the food items and soft drinks. You will also be asked to attend a BARS (Beer/Alcohol Responsible Serving) class in order to sell and serve beer. These classes are offered through PNC and Elaine can get you scheduled.
Food/Drink: You can bring food for breaks which can be stored in the locker or provided refrigerator. Each person is allocated a food voucher to use in the break room, hotdog, pretzel, nachos or popcorn. Lemonade and tea are also served.
Black closed toe shoes with closed backs (no straps)
Black pants (no jeans or cargo pants)
Black polo-style shirt (with collar) with shirt tails tucked in; a small logo is acceptable
Optional: Black long-sleeved T-shirt under your polo for added warmth
Apron, beige with red letters; these are available for purchase.
Red SPCC hat with mesh backing; these are available for purchase.
Arrival & Parking: Arrival time is usually 1-1½ hours prior to an event. An email will be sent to let you know the time you need to report for your specific event. Staff and Volunteer Parking is in the gravel lot at Carter Findley Stadium, Gate C off Trinity Road. Please refer to the map below.
If there is an attendant on duty at the entrance to the parking lot, tell them you're with St. Paul’s Christian Church. There is a St. Paul’s AME Church also working so be sure you tell them our whole name. If parking in the Employee/Volunteer Parking is changed for a given event, you will be notified via email.
Entering the Arena and Check-in Procedure: A shuttle you can take from parking to the Employee Entrance. Walking will take about 10 minutes and will involve some stairs. You cross the 6000 and 5000 Parking Lots around to the Employee Entrance. You will need to go down flights of stairs to reach the concrete deck above the loading dock. The glass entrance doors into the North Mezzanine Employee Entrance are located in the middle of the deck above the loading dock. Identify yourself to security as a St Paul’s Christian Church volunteer. Upon entering you will be scanned. Proceed to the locker rooms.
Locker Room: Please leave all personal belongings in the Locker room. All jackets, coats, purses and, handbags are to be left in the lockers provided on the mezzanine level around the corner from Volunteer Check-in. Our locker is located on the back wall and has a sign posted on it titled St Paul’s Christian Church. You can bring your cellphone to the stand. Also you may want to bring a pencil and small note pad to the stand.
Volunteer Check-in: Sign in on the St Paul’s Christian Church page in the Volunteer check-in book and indicate your time of arrival. There is an attendant to answer any questions and give directions if needed. If this is your first event you will be asked to sign a few forms.
Report to your Stand and Group Leader: Once you have signed in, proceed to the stand and report to the Group Leader. Most of the time we are in stand 114, however this can change, as we are often in stand 118 for concerts. You will receive an email reminder which will indicate which stand you should report to.
Parking & Walking to
PNC Arena
PNC Volunteer Check-In